Gomnati ma Gombe neg ka sebunthung miyem ka kendi tom, nwam kuden mamon liji tu potto.
Lamon balla ma gomnati Gombe, professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, neg sabantho koddin bemthamg pin gon rungu ma Cedar Seed Foundation ka ma Gender Equality and Social Inclusive, koddim bimthamg an nangon ta’in dangzin ki i wupu-wupe po ki dok ki gomnati.
Professor Ibrahim Njodi neg ka penthauwa ma miyem ka kendi tom yat tuk wam kuden gomnati liye potto som don labermana ka kwi yelli po ki dok.
Bemthamg wunug Saba ki bei ministry ka departments ka bei Kal kwi, Kam pim ya wa tam ma sa fu miyi pip ta bermana.
Ta ter sugen sugen bemthamg ya go to Kal kwi ma wokku wokku San tondok yelli tam ma doppei USAID, ki wam kuddu kudem bimthamg yazi ma San tondok Gombe, professor Njodi neg ka gomnati ma Gombe kan appu pomana koddi koddi som unuk pidi ki sidam Shirin yimmo som San tondok gei.
Mum Ballungo: Madugu Dogori
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.